Ethical Fridays! Powerpoint Presintation!

(The Above are signs I used to get the class brainstorm and engaged in the very beginning of my presintation. To create their own PSA logos to get the presintation started on a good intro)

So basically, every friday we had a presentation on subjects like: copy right, patents, PSAs, false advertising, etc. Every presenter needs to be prepared for this presentation on the day they sign up for in moodle. So to present, you need a Powerpoint presentation, a handout about your chosen topic, along with a feedback sheet with comments about the Powerpoint from the teacher and peers all filled up and ready to go with a rubric (which is at the back of the feedback sheet.) So here is my Ethical Fridays Powerpoint presentation on PSAs (Public Service announcements)

(play a drawing game with different PSA logos) (breast cancer, help japan, AIDS foundation) What do these all have in common?
Yes, they are all PSAs.
A PSA is stands for Public Service Announcement (PSA), which is an advertisement broadcast on radio or television, for the public interest. PSAs are intended to modify public attitudes by raising awareness about specific issues.

The oldest PSA’s are when we didn’t have technology. Horns, town criers, church bells and word of mouth  was used to inform PSA. Kind of how we still do thattoday, how we inform our friends and family about issues around the world to create awareness.

For example, in our school, do you guys remember PINK day? Why was everyone wearing pink? Did it not seem strange to you everyone around you were wearing pink so it made you curious enough to ask someone why everyone was wearing this color? Did it create a LOT of awareness about what this symbolized? How about the vow of silence? When some of your friends didn’t talk to you? Or that time when so much girls in the school didn’t do their hair, makeup, no jewelry, with plain clothes to express  how women should be treated with equality? That we’re not objects to be decorated or demanded. These are all PSAs, a message that needs to be spread by the public whether it’s something that seems so bizarre but would catch your attention to create awareness like the vow of silence, or even a poster you see across the street with a strong message about issues happening around the world.

So there are issues that need to be known and action must be taken. We don’t just sit back and do nothing. A kid is dying from malnutrition in the middle east, plus, to make it better, they’re suffering from poor sanitation and no clean drinking water. Is this really fair? Is it really their fault they were born into that certain country so it only makes sense that they need to suffer? No. We do something about it. We take action to create awareness of issues that we view as unfair. So we came up with ways to promote PSAs and spread the word

So how did new technologies affect our life? Facebook was huge. The event option to invite all of your friends to a PSE event brought notifications to people if their friends were attending the event and it had information where it was taking place, why it was taking place, pictures, videos, information, and more. YouTube had a turn-the-light-switches-off option for the Earth Hour to create awareness about how we should turn off the lights and all electronics in our house for one hour to save the environment in a big way as a whole. WordPress has a thing where you connect twitter with it and it shows all of the events that would notify you. So basically, technology really changed how PSEs work. Before, we had town criers yelling public service announcements around town. Now, we can invite 100 and more people in a click of a button. Plus, it’s more effective, they won’t forget about it.

Some people argue that mainstream and common charity organizations take a lot of money for themselves. Places like Unicef and the Canadian Red Cross. But do you think 100% of the money you donate goes to the needy? If you were to actually work for these companies, would you keep the money for yourself or would you give most of the money to the needy? (pause) Remember, you have employees that WORK for you and that needs to be paid because it’s actually their job. Plus you need to pay the media for spreading the word of your public service announcement. For example, on facebook, to make an event is free. To put a Ad on facebook that shows up on everyone’s window (which is more effective) costs hundreds of dollars maybe even more. So what would you do?

If you look at these products, it’s obvious some money was given to make these products AND the people who worked to manufacture it. So is 100% of your money spent on that breast cancer nail polish going to the foundation? No, not a 100% but maybe most of it. This isn’t a huge ethical issue because if it’s their job, they need to get paid. However,  People who make up PSAs / frauds just to make money seriously has an ethical problem because a public service announcement is no joke. (show scam video)It’s so wrong to make up a story about someone who is suffering that doesn’t exist. We could have gave OUR money that we worked for to support someone who actually really needs the money. Someone who doesn’t have education, or health, or any necessity that we have. Do you think that was an ethical issue? That she lied about a situation to give our money to something so pointless?